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Keys to the Corner Office: Success Strategies for Women by Women is a must read for any woman aspiring to

advance her career. It provides keys to your own corner office—or at least keys to your success.

Most women learn what it takes to succeed in business the hard way: by following the best practices they learned in school or by trial and error. This wastes time and can result in being inadvertently derailed from the path to the C-Suite: the corner office of executive management.

Keys to the Corner Office is a reference guide providing strategic career advice for women seeking to rise to the highest levels of management and to overcome the “glass ceiling” effect. In sixty brief, short-read chapters, author Rhonda Rhyne, President and CEO of the medical technology company Prevencio, provides a ‘road map for career advancement’ to level the playing field and enhance business opportunities for women.

As a reference guide, Keys to the Corner Office is intended to be consulted throughout a woman’s career. Information is presented in five sections: Turbocharge Your Career, Unleash the Leader Within, Ignite Your Management, Transform Your Life, and Parting Thoughts.

Chapter titles and advice include: Brand Yourself: Unique, Memorable, and Authentic; Talk—to Anyone, Anytime; Networking—Not a Dirty Word; Seek Revenue-Producing Jobs and Profit-and-Loss Responsibilities; Respect-Centric Leadership; Motivational Management: One Size Does Not Fit All; If You Don't Risk Anything, You Risk Everything; and Perfection Impedes Progress. 


The advice is drawn from author Rhonda Rhyne’s own career plan, which led her to becoming one of the youngest female CEOs of a biotechnology company. Written at the peak of her career, Rhyne’s advice is both timely and tested, and relies both on her personal experience and the advice of more than 100 women in senior management. 

Each chapter begins with an overview of a challenge and provides strategic solutions, along with detailed Key Action Tips to implement. Topics addressed include: conducting a self-assessment of one’s skills; seeking mentors and sponsors (and the differences between the two); and how to answer questions in job interviews depending upon the interviewer’s social type and interview style (along with tips to recognize each style). Rhonda also identifies six different leadership styles and the circumstances under which each is appropriate to employ. Every chapter ends with a detailed action plan (Key Action Tips) to follow. Sources for additional information (Recommended Reading) are also provided for every topic.

As she points out, hard work, alone, is not enough to progress to senior management. That requires a career plan and a ‘road map’ for success.

Rhonda Rhyne

Rhonda Rhyne was born in Virginia, moved to Arizona when she was four years old, and has spent most of her life on the West coast. Rhonda has more than twenty years of C-suite experience and was one of the youngest female CEOs of a biotechnology company. Her first book, Keys to the Corner Office: Success Strategies for Women by Women, was written in hopes of accelerating others' careers. Rhonda shares her professional and personal experiences as well as that of other women in senior management. A medical technology industry leader, she has received multiple awards, including Ernst & Young's Entrepreneur of the Year—Medical Products, San Diego; Deloitte's Fast 50 for 50 Fastest Growing Technology and Life Science Companies in Southern California; San Diego's Business Journal's Women Who Mean Business; and Athena's Pinnacle Individual in BioSciences. 

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